Doom of Destiny's End RPG

The Worldmaster

Don't piss me off.

The Worldmaster is in control of the world, and keeps an eye on his "adventurers". He has the tendency to sometimes do random and unpredictable things, yet he also has a great talent for bringing out the best in the party and getting them into situations unlike any other, as well as killing these adventures.

Controlling the gameworld, he often does "Behind the scenes" rolling to check for damage, range, distance, and more that would otherwise bore and scare off the players. The Worldmaster has the hardest, yet easiest job out of all of the characters, hard when there involves many intricate things going on, and easy when the players make his life easy (Which is very rare). He also dislikes when people get all pissy when something doesn't go EXACTLY how they want it.
Seriously, folks, if the Worldmaster creates a massive world for you to explore, and say, one of the members decides to incite a genocide against one of the races, you don't go and threaten to quit and never play again. You stick with it, ride it out, and who knows? Maybe something major will happen.
Eheheheheh. Look closely at the writing around the pit. It reads "FINE! CAKEWALK THIS!
(c) Copyright 2010 Charles Loomis
The pictures are owned by their appropriate authors and where in no way made or altered by me.