Doom of Destiny's End RPG
"I am the shadows of the night, I am the darkness to every light. My fist will shatter the minds and souls of any who stand before me."

Ignis Vulpes means many things in the world of Jandio. Some say it is the name of a devil who devours the blood of his victims. Others say it is naught but a man who is really a leader of some shadowy group. However, all these assumptions are incorrect.

Vulpes is, in all reality, a member of a special team of demon soldiers named the Imperial Paladiars, kept secret from the rest of the demonic community for their actions. Resembling come twisted combination of martial artists and assassins, the Paladiars are elite demon solders gifted in combat and stealth.

His secretive training and even more secret mission placed him in the pits of hell over and over again where he watch death and carnage all around him; to him death became almost pleasurable; it was a daily cycle, something he himself sped along.

The blood curdling screams of those mortally wounded burned into his mind; blood covered him daily as he fought through these times. He would regularly come from battles soaked in the blood of his fallen enemies and comrades; and soon his skin had become stained red to the point it matched his eyes.

With the constant reminders of hell in is mind he rarely slept; every time he closed his eyes he saw death, each and every soul he had killed with his bare hands or seen slain returned to torment him.

One day after a fierce battle the bloodshed soon found both he and a lone other had survived; not wishing to continue this life, both he and his companion agreed to go into hiding, and make it seem none had survived that day.

With that, his military life was behind him. Setting out to find work, he soon discovered it was not easy for an ex-Paladiar to do much; he had no skills other than killing.

Not finding any work after several weeks and living off of what he could find in nature around him, he went back to what he did best, staining his hands with fresh blood.

However, this time he did not kill for the Demon Military; this time he was a soldier of fortune; slaying anyone for anyone who could pay. <<yet holding true to his vows as a protercter to those he vowed them to before his leave, he just did so from the shadows and in such away that even those he made the vows to did not know he was protecting them.>>

(c) Copyright 2010 Charles Loomis
The pictures are owned by their appropriate authors and where in no way made or altered by me.