Doom of Destiny's End RPG
"And the power of my blade will follow the darkness. Aye, any enemies before me shall be eliminated with pleasure."

The power of darkness is hard to resist, even for a demon.

Coming from the Imperial Paladiars, Re'dregan Demonkin trained for most of his life in the art of killing. Working only on the missions he believed where an easy mark, he cut down any who stood between him and his target.

His ability and power soon stood him out from the rest of his fellows, and earned him the title of the Black Death, third in command of the Plague Squadron of Paladiars. However, one day while he was on a mission, he soon found himelf caught up in a white light, one so strong he had to shield his eyes...

(c) Copyright 2010 Charles Loomis
The pictures are owned by their appropriate authors and where in no way made or altered by me.