Doom of Destiny's End RPG

Dle'vir Soldier

Conscripted "trash" of the Demon Empire, the Dle'vir Soldiers are people that have been stached from their homes to fight for the Empire. Usually simple farmers or traders, the Dle'vir have more skills than a normal Soldier, but are hated by nearly the entire Military.

Class Bonuses

Can choose any ability from the ability list (With some exceptions)
Start with no gold
+1 Dexterity
+1 Intelligence

+1 HP
+1 Dexterity

Combat Bonuses
Can detect traps while within 5 feet of them
Can set traps with raw materials
(c) Copyright 2010 Charles Loomis
The pictures are owned by their appropriate authors and where in no way made or altered by me.